Matt. 6-7 (Feb. 25- Mar. 3)

He taught them as One Having Authority The object of this lesson continues to expand on the topics spoken during the Sermon on the Mount. Reiterate to the children the parts of a prayer. How important it is to build their faith on a firm foundation. Seeking eternal treasures rather than Earthly ones. Invite Sharing: Ask the children to show an experience of when they were an example of light this past week. Write some examples of actual beatitudes as well as fake ones and have the kids come up one at a time and cross out the fake ones: Examples: Pure in Heart, Young at heart, Meek, Thirst for a Milkshake, Merciful, Inquisitive, Mournful, Livid, Timid, Peacemaker, Hunger for a Burrito, Dream Catcher. Teach the Doctrine: Brian and I are at an advantage this year that we are teaching children 7-8 year olds which means that we can really pick and choose activities from both the "younger children" and the "older children" sections. Before...