
Showing posts from February, 2019

Matt. 6-7 (Feb. 25- Mar. 3)

He taught them as One Having Authority The object of this lesson continues to expand on the topics spoken during the Sermon on the Mount. Reiterate to the children the parts of a prayer. How important it is to build their faith on a firm foundation. Seeking eternal treasures rather than Earthly ones. Invite Sharing: Ask the children to show an experience of when they were an example of light this past week. Write some examples of actual beatitudes as well as fake ones and have the kids come up one at a time and cross out the fake ones: Examples: Pure in Heart, Young at heart, Meek, Thirst for a Milkshake, Merciful, Inquisitive, Mournful, Livid, Timid, Peacemaker, Hunger for a Burrito, Dream Catcher.  Teach the Doctrine: Brian and I are at an advantage this year that we are teaching children 7-8 year olds which means that we can really pick and choose activities from both the "younger children" and the "older children" sections. Before...

Matt. 5; Luke 6 (Feb. 18- 24th)

Blessed are Ye The object of this lesson is to teach the children about Beatitudes. This lesson focuses primarily on being a peacemaker, loving one another and being a light to others. Invite Sharing: We will pass out our "Wanted Posters" and ask them if they know what it means to be a Peacemaker. After they answer, we will ask them to draw a scenario on their poster that represents someone being a peacemaker. *Our Wanted posters are just a simple paper that says, "Wanted: Peacemakers!" across the top, and then a box that they can draw their photo. Teach the Doctrine: Brian and I are at an advantage this year that we are teaching children 7-8 year olds which means that we can really pick and choose activities from both the "younger children" and the "older children" sections. Beforehand, gather together:  1. Wanted Posters 2. Skittles and slips of paper with "jobs" on them 3. Download the movie in act...

John 2-4 (Feb. 11-17)

Ye Must Be Born Again The object of this lesson is to teach the children how Jesus is our living water.  Invite Sharing: To start our lesson, we wrote on the board, "Jesus & Water." We asked the children to list out all the stories from the New Testament they could think of that had Jesus and Water in them. The examples they came up with were: -Jesus and the Woman at the Well -Jesus turning water into wine -Jesus being baptized by immersion -Jesus walking on water -Jesus refers to his blood as water Teach the Doctrine: Brian and I are at an advantage this year that we are teaching children 7-8 year olds which means that we can really pick and choose activities from both the "younger children" and the "older children" sections. Beforehand, gather together:  1. Chalk, eraser. 2. Scriptures. 3. Fun game found in activity 2 4. 3 clear cups, food coloring. 5. container to fill with water, rubber duckie or something tha...

Matt. 4; Luke 4-5 (Feb. 4- Feb. 10)

The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Me The object of this lesson is to show the children how they may overcome temptations by using Christ as their example. We learn about the importance of fasting. We also learn how we might become "fishers of men" This week our ward will be participating in Stake Conference so we won't be teaching our class however, I decided to type up a lesson because we have been using it as a teaching aide for our family study.  Invite Sharing: Object Lesson: Give Rylan a few marshmallows. Tell her she can choose to eat them all now or wait for 10 minutes and get even more. Have them just sit with her for the remainder of the lesson. At the end of the lesson, make a parallel on the marshmallows and when Jesus was tempted by Satan in the wilderness. Teach the Doctrine: Brian and I are at an advantage this year that we are teaching children 7-8 year olds which means that we can really pick and choose activities from bo...

3 Matt.; Mark 1; Luke 3 (Jan. 28-Feb.3)

Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord The object of this lesson is to instruct the children about Christ's baptism and how we can follow his example. It's also to teach the children about the Aaronic Priesthood. For this lesson, Brian and I were not as prepared as we normally are. We had a lot of chaotic events throughout the week. However on Thursday, we received the Friend magazine in the mail which gave us a lot of help and inspiration to teach the lesson. Therefore, many of the resources we used for this lesson can be found in the February 2019 edition of the Friend. Invite Sharing: We teach the 7-8 year olds, so the children in our class will have the opportunity to be baptized this year. We opened the class by asking who in our class will be turning 8 on their next birthday. Everyone raised their hands. We then asked, what will you have the opportunity to do once you turn 8. Be sensitive to children in your class who may not be able to be baptized due to situations ...