Matt. 14-15; Mark 6-7; John 5-6 ( Mar. 25-31)

Be Not Afraid The object of this lesson is to discuss the feeding of the 5000, the miracle at the pool of Bethesda and when Jesus walks on water. We will also discuss how these stories can help us overcome fear, with the help of our Savior, in our own lives. Invite Sharing: Ask the children ways they tried to make "good ground" in their life this past week. Teach the Doctrine: Brian and I are at an advantage this year that we are teaching children 7-8 year olds which means that we can really pick and choose activities from both the "younger children" and the "older children" sections. Beforehand, gather together: 1. Basket of bread. 2. Download the 2 videos mentioned in activity 1 and activity 3. 3. Small puzzle with one piece missing. 4. Treats. Some Activities We Plan to Do: 1. The Miracle at the Pool of Bethesda. While researching this story, I found a lot of cool and interesting things you may want to in...