Matt. 18 & Luke 10 (April 22-28)

What Shall I do to Inherit Eternal Life?

The object of this lesson is to discuss the story of the Good Samaritan, The parable of the Unmerciful Servant, Forgiveness and Good, Better, Best.

Invite Sharing:
Ask the children to describe the last week's lesson using just one word.

Teach the Doctrine:
Brian and I are at an advantage this year that we are teaching children 7-8 year olds which means that we can really pick and choose activities from both the "younger children" and the "older children" sections.

Beforehand, gather together:

 1. Download the two videos found in activity 1 and 2.
2. Draw a picture of Jerusalem, Galilee and Samaria on the board.
3. Paper and colored pencils for the kids pictures in activity 1.
4. Cut out your examples from activity 3 and hide them around the room.
5. Treat (*optional*) Sour patch kids with a note that says,
"Even when we find ourselves in a 'Sour Patch' Christ encourages us to always forgive."

Some Activities We Plan to Do:

1. Heavenly Father Will Forgive Me As I Forgive Others.
Tell the children that as they get older it will get harder to forgive others- and more complicated. But Jesus has said that we should forgive everyone. We will also add that even though we forgive people, we should protect ourselves from people who continually take advantage of us. If someone is hurting them, they should tell an adult they can trust.

If you feel like it, you can tell the story about the woman who forgave the teenager the day before Thanksgiving.

When have you found it difficult to forgive someone?
How did you let go of those hurt feelings?
When have you needed to be forgiven due to a poor choice?

Explain that when someone does something to hurt us- often our first reaction is to get sad or upset. However, when we forgive others we feel happy and at peace.

Watch the video, " Forgive Everyone Their Trespasses: The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant"

After you watch the clip, ask the children:
Which character represents the Lord? Us? The people who offend us?

Give every child a piece of paper and have them draw a picture of one person doing something mean to someone else. Then have them switch their paper with a partner. They will then write a way to express forgiveness to that person. Have them share with the class.

2. I Can Love and Serve Others, Especially Those in Need. 
Beforehand draw a map on the board of Samaria.

Ask the children:
Who is your neighbor?

Jesus said everyone we meet and anyone in need of help is our neighbor- even if they don't literally live next door to us.

Explain to the children that the Jews and the Samaritans had been feuding for a very long time. The Jews disliked the Samaritans because they were descendants of Jews that decided to associate and marry gentiles. Gentiles are anyone who are not a Jew.

Explain to the children that when the Jews traveled from Jerusalem to Galilee they would travel miles out of their way to avoid going through the country of Samaria. This meant traveling more dangerous and isolated trails and adding hours or days of walking to their trip.

Have the children watch: Parable of the Good Samaritan.

Ask the children:
Why do you think Jesus used a Samaritan as an example of Kindness in the parable?
What does this story teach us about helping people in need?
Does anyone have an experience of when someone was a 'Good Samaritan' toward them? 

3. Good, Better, Best.
Tell the story of Jesus, Mary and Martha.

Discuss how there are not just good and bad choices. Sometimes a choice can be good... but there good be a better choice. Furthermore, there can be a best choice!

Hide examples of good, better and best choices around the room- one for enough child. Let them read it aloud and guess what they think the good choice, better choice and best choice is.

Some examples:


You are eating lunch in the cafeteria when some kids start teasing a boy in my class. He starts to cry and runs out of the room.
Choice 1. Don't join in on the teasing but stay out of it.
Choice 2. Quietly tell a teacher.
Choice 3. Run out to find the boy. Comfort him and find a teacher together.


Most of the time you go to church by yourself or with a friend. Your parents told you that this Sunday they are going to go to your favorite amusement park and they have given you the choice to either come with them or go to church?
Choice 1. Go to church with your friend because it's important to you.
Choice 2. Tell your parents that you'll come to the amusement park with them this Sunday if they come with you to church next Sunday.
Choice 3. Go to the amusement park-- Family is important, right?


You come home from soccer practice and your little sister has drawn with markers all over the walls in your bedroom.
Choice 1. Talk to your sister and try to understand why she might have done that. Explain nicely why that wasn't the best idea. Offer to clean it together.
Choice 2. Ask your sister nicely to clean it up.
Choice 3. Tell your Mom or Dad.


A good friend hasn't been in school the last few days. After asking around, you find out that her grandpa passed away and she's really sad about it.

Choice 1. Think that's really sad.
Choice 2. Give her a hug. Share your testimony that you believe death is not the end and that she will be able to her grandpa again someday. Let her know you will be there for her if she ever needs a friend to talk to.
Choice 3. Make her a card.


Your Mom has a very important presentation at her job this morning. She is very tired because she was up all night with your baby sister who was crying all night.

Choice 1. Get yourself and your baby sister ready for the day. Entertain the baby while your Mom gets ready for work. Give her a hug and tell her she'll do great.
Choice 2. Tell her good luck and head out to school.
Choice 3. After your mom gets home from work, ask her how the presentation went.


You're taking family pictures for the Christmas card and your two little brothers and being nuts. They keep sticking out their tongues and hitting each other. You can tell your mom and dad are getting upset.

Choice 1. It would just be better to stay out of it.
Choice 2. Tell your brothers that taking pictures is super fun. Make a game of it so they'll want to take nice pictures. They're your little brothers and they look up to you so lead by example.
Choice 3. Say, "Santa is watching you!"

4. Treat & Handout.
We plan on getting the kids some sour patch candies and attach a little paper that says, "Even when we find ourselves in a 'sour patch' Christ encourages us to always forgive."

Encourage them to find one way to be a Good Samaritan by thinking of one person who may need some help. Have them brainstorm and execute help to that person.

I hope this has been helpful to you. See you next week!


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