We are Responsible for Our Own Learning (Dec. 31-Jan. 6)

We are Responsible for Our Own Learning

Elder David A. Bednar taught, 
"As learners, you and I are to act and be doers of the word and not simply hearers who are only acted upon... Learning by faith requires spiritual, mental, and physical exertion and not just passive reception."
The object of this lesson is to encourage and invite the children to be more proactive in their learning of their Savior, Jesus Christ. What better way to invite a child to do something than with a little party themed lesson?

Invite Sharing
This week it is suggested that you ask the children to share some of their favorite stories of Jesus Christ. I think this is a great idea as the New Testament truly delves deep into the life of our savior through multiple perspectives. The New Testament can be a little repetitive at times, but if you are paying attention, you will notice tiny details which the specific author chose to include because he felt they were important and would be relevant to us in our day. 

Teach the Doctrine
Brian and I are at an advantage this year that we are teaching children 7-8 year olds which means that we can really pick and choose activities from both the "younger children" and the "older children" sections.

Some activities that we plan to do:

1. Before the children enter the classroom, we will decorate the classroom with balloons and party decor. We will have a picture of Christ displayed either on the table or on the board. At home, I will make 2 sets invitations for each child to give to them as they enter the room. One set of invitations will be from their very best friend. The other will be from a complete stranger... I'll probably make up a really bizarre name like, "Marzo Buttercup" or "Bubbles McGee" 3 of the invitations from their "best friend" (we have 6 students) will contain a piece of gum.

We will have the children sit down, surely they will be a little curious as to why the room is decorated and we will tell them that 2 people have invited them to a party. I'll have them open their invitations. As they read them, I hope they notice that both parties are on the same day, at the same time but at different places. They will unfortunately have to choose between the two parties as there is just no way to go to both.

"So... which party are you going to? Your best friend? Or.. a complete stranger who just picked your name out of the phone book?"

Most children, if not all, will of course, choose their best friend. 

"Why are you choosing your best friend over a stranger?"

Because they're my best friend... I know them better.

"And how do you know them better?"

Because... we spend time with them.

"Exactly! When you spend time with someone, you get to know them better and when you get to know someone better they become your friend. That's exactly what it's like when it comes to Jesus. The more time you spend learning about him, the more you get to know him. The more you get to know him the more likely you are to love him and want to follow him.

2. Now for the gum. I will tell the children that of the 12 invitations, 3 of them have a piece of gum. If you received a piece of gum in your invite- you may enjoy them now. After they've chewed it a bit, I'll ask,

"How is your gum? Do you like it?"


(to the kids who didn't get gum)
"Where's your gum?"

We didn't get any.

"Oh.. you didn't get any? That's okay. They can give you some of theirs. Give them a piece of your gum."

At this point I'm guessing we'll get some weird looks from both sets of kids. The kids with the gum will wonder if we are being serious and the kids without gum will probably be thinking, "NO WAY! I don't want their chewed up piece of gum, I'd rather have my own piece!" 

"What?! Why don't you want them to give you their gum?"

Because it's gross!

"Sometimes, there are things that can't be given to others. Your testimony, for example, can't be given to someone else. Yes, you can share your testimony with someone on the gospel or the savior or any other principle... but you can't give them your testimony. They have to get one for themselves. How would someone go about getting a testimony for themself?"

3. Now, what's a party without presents? In a box, I will wrap up either one set of scriptures, or I will wrap up 6 little boxes with either a picture of scriptures or just the words, "the scriptures." I will invite one child or all (depending on what I decide) to open their gift... I will probably do 6 gifts as I think it's really important to get all the kids involved so you don't lose interest in those transition moments. Once they open their gift,

"What did you get?"


"Who thought it would be important to give us the gift of the scriptures?"

Heavenly Father/ Jesus Christ.

I will then bear my testimony that the scriptures are a gift from God to us to help us throughout our lives. They can bring us comfort when we are sad or feeling lost. They can give us answers when we are confused and they can bring us joy every time we read them. They contain the word of God and in their pages you will read about real stories about real people who really lived and real events that really happened.

4. We will then read together Moroni 10:4 and we will recite and repeat:

"if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you."

5. To end, I will write on the board, "Come unto Christ." I will then extend an invitation to them to research and study this year so that they can get to know Christ a little bit better than they have ever known him. If they will do that, they will have peace in their hearts knowing that they have made the best friend they could possibly ever have who will help them when they are down and celebrate with them when they are up.

Hopefully these ideas will be helpful to you.


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